Friday, June 5, 2009


June 4, 2009
TRANSLATION: Original in Spanish found at
Contact: Magdelivia Hidalgo



Declaration made by members of the Cuban opposition announcing the launch of the Maximum Non-Violent Action (MANO) strategy, a five-pronged tool with the aim of consolidating efforts and achieving broad-based support from citizens across the country to drive change on the island.

Havana, Cuba-Due to the internal situation in Cuba, as well as the international environment, we, the leaders of various independent civic movements in Cuba, think that first step during 2009 can be taken to work with the concept of a hand, (MANO) which stands for Maximum Non-Violent Action (MANO- MAXIMA ACCIÓN NO VIOLENTA OPOSITORA). The internal opposition movement could use MANO as a tool to strengthen the role of the Independent Civic Movement (Movimiento Cívico Independiente) inside the Cuban political stage.

MANO is a project that attempts to go beyond rhetoric by presenting a concrete work plan with specific demands adjusted to the explicit needs of the Cuban population, alongside demands derived from fundamental democratic principles. All of this carried under an easily identifiable symbol able to penetrate the popular imagination.
This document outlines the fundamental elements of MANO and the strategic vision of the concept.

MANO consists of five basic demands represented by the five fingers of the human hand.
Originating from dialogue among several activists inside the island and analysis of field research, surveys, and academic works recently published on the topic of Cuba, we believe the 5 fingers of MANO can best be represented by:
1- Economic Freedom
2- Freedom of Movement
3- Freedom of Speech
4- Freedom for Political Prisoners
5- The Right to Private Property

MANO´s purpose is to become an instrument that can be used to work with the average citizen, so that s/he becomes the popular base for a strong Independent Civic Movement. Therefore, these demands cannot be formulated in abstract terms or in purely political terms. It is well known that the majority of the Cuban population is saturated with politics and is not interested in issues presented as “teque” (more of the same). An effective way to present the five demands encompassing MANO would be to highlight the following initiatives:

1- Economic Freedom. This demand already has a popular base in the form of the “With the same Currency” campaign (“Con la Misma Moneda”). The campaign’s format and platform are in accordance with the immediate and real needs of the population. Once the demand is satisfied by the regime, something seen as probable in the near future, the campaign could move on to demand salary increases and price reductions on essential staple items (“Sube y Baja” campaign); then onwards to a third phase demanding the freedom for free enterprise (“Yo soy mi dueño” campaign). The idea is for the movement to achieve small victories in order to prove to the people that victory over the regime is possible; and to raise the level of demands.

2- Freedom of Movement. This idea could materialize demanding the end to the permits needed to enter and exit Cuba, as well as those needed to move to Havana from other provinces or cities. A suggested name for this campaign has been “Esta es mi Tierra”. It is important to understand that the regime might be forced to accept this change out of sheer convenience. This, however, would allow the Independent Civic Movement to show itself as a force strong enough to generate visible and concrete changes.

3- Freedom of Speech. This demand can translate into a campaign advocating Internet access freedom for all Cubans, something which could generate support from the international community and the youth. A possible name for the campaign would be “R volución” or “volución”. On a second phase, the campaign could expand to include slogans like “soy un libro abierto”, demanding free access to information in whatever format it may be available.

4- Freedom for Political Prisoners. This demand has already taken roots in the popular imagination thanks to the “Damas de Blanco” and their imprisoned relatives. Liberation of prisoners, even if only partial, must be seen as a victory and as an example that MANO works. The concept must include all political prisoners in the island.

5- Free Elections. This is MANO´s final strategic objective. It must be understood that demands number one through four constitute the base that will allow for generating massive support for the Independent Civic Movement. With this, the Movement will have enough power and possibility for success in pushing this demand forward. MANO´s general concept is to make the Independent Civic Movement climb the ladder of influence in society to the point that it can be a fundamental driver and force for change.

Articulating the five fingers of MANO in a simple and identifiable way for the majority of the population can be done in the following ways:

1- Con la Misma Moneda: This is an ongoing campaign led by FLAMUR which already has strong popular support.

2- Political Prisoners: This is an ongoing campaign led by the “Damas de Blanco” and relatives of Cuban political prisoners

3- Internet Access: This is an ongoing campaign led by RED LIBERTAD and JOVENES SIN CENSURA.

4- Freedom of Movement: This is an ongoing campaign led by the Partido Republicano de Cuba.

5- Private Property: This is an ongoing campaign led by the Comision Unida Pedro Luis Boitel .

General Considerations

-MANO differs from other similar efforts in the sense that it does not depend on one organization, one coalition, a declaration of values, or a political ideology. It is simply a working tool to generate popular support for the Independent Civic Movement.

-The fundamental mechanism of MANO is the concept of “Power in Numbers” for a strategic non-violent struggle.

-The fundamental objective of MANO is to drive change by eliminating the power base of the regime and forcing the recognition of the power of independent civic activism inside Cuba.

-Once the vast majority of the forces of activism understand and work to support the concept of MANO we will be in a position to demand the ultimate goal: Free Elections.

Names and telephone numbers of the organizations in Cuba promoting the MANO concept:
-Flamur: Belinda Salas Tapanes - Tel: 52-41 1962
-Familiares De Presos Politicos: Barbara Maria Gonzalez Cruz- Tel: 31-37 2461
-Red Libertad: Yosvani Anzardo - Tel: 52-46 9631
-Partido Republicano De Cuba: Julio Varcarselll- Tel: 52- 61 3455
-Comisión Unida Pedro Luis Boitell: Marcos Antonio Limas- Tel: 24-46 5059
